Natural Fuller Lips

I trust you have had a great, sun and fun-filled spring and summer. Fall is definitely upon us – funny how that happens every year.

I was able to attend a couple of great conferences this year on rhinoplasty and facial cosmetic surgery in Chicago and Banff.  I also presented a paper on “Complex Reconstruction Rhinoplasties Utilizing Ear Cartilage and PDS Sheeting,” an exciting breakthrough in revision rhinoplasties. To date, I believe I have one of the largest series of this type of surgeries in Canada and perhaps North America.

I also attended my thirtieth medical school reunion.  That officially makes me either an old or experienced physician – you can decide which. It was wonderful to see my classmates and realize how lucky we have been, in both life and career pathways. Enough about the “old stuff," here is something new.

Allergan has released a new dermal filler called, Volbella – a cousin to Juvederm Ultra Plus and Voluma. It is specifically indicated for lip augmentation and will help to diminish vertical lip lines (often called “smoker lines”) and naturally accentuate the vermillion border and Cupid ’s bow. If you have always wanted to have you lips enhanced with filler, but were afraid of over-filled, artificial appearing lips, then this could be the product for you to try. It is an exceptional product that is easy to use with long lasting results. Initial patient feedback has been very positive and it will probably become the product of choice for lip augmentation.

Every year as we move towards the holiday season, Botox and Juvederm appointments become oversubscribed. We never want to turn anyone away and do our best to accommodate everyone’s schedules. If you are planning a “touch up” with Botox, Juvederm, or both, the earlier you book your appointment, the more likely we are able to facilitate your appointment request.

The same thought process applies to surgical procedures – each year we add additional surgical days in our Non Hospital Surgical Facility suite to accommodate the seasonal rushes. However, the more lead time we get the better.

Have a great fall and Halloweeen. Remember that winter is just around the corner.

Dr. Keohane